Monday, April 19, 2010

Peer Response: Danaan Mirr's Blog

I really enjoyed reading Danaan's post and analysis of a celebrity endorsement. In her analysis Danaan talked about Rap Snacks where are flavored chips and popcorn that are endorsed by different rap artists. The artists shown on the different bags are saying little slogans like, “Stay in School.”, or “Think Responsibly.” Danaan goes on to respond to this saying that because it seems like those celebrities are saying those things directly to the consumers they are more likely to actually listen to what the celebrity is saying and stay in school. I agree with Danaan when she says that because celebrities are saying these things that the consumer is more likely to do what the celebrity is telling them to do, which is a good thing and good marketing scheme because the marketers are tapping into the younger markets.

I really liked and agreed with Danann when she was talking about how this endorsement is actually likely and good promotion. The rappers and celebrities on the bags of chips probably actually could eat the chips, unlike when Olympic athletes endorse McDonald’s because they probably do not eat McDonald’s.

I really like the link that Danaan chose to use in her blog that goes to the article about the use of celebrity endorsement in marketing. This made it easy to understand where she was getting her ideas from and explained easily the principles behind the use of celebrity endorsements. I think that the celebrities who are endorsing Rap Snacks are doing a good thing because it is helping their careers by getting their names out to the public, but they are also using their celebrity to try to influence young people to do good things, such as stay in school and off drugs.

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