Monday, April 19, 2010

Post 3: "Real" Food vs. "Fake" Food

Something that I have eaten in both it’s real and “fake” form is pizza. The real pizza was made entirely from scratch and “fake” food was a store bought brand. When comparing the real and fake food the real version is much better. They look, taste, and smell different.

The store bought pizza looked like it was really processed and you could tell that it was not home made, and it didn’t smell that good either. But, the real version looked really fresh because it had vegetables on it, and the store bought pizza could not have fresh vegetables or ingredients in them. The real pizza smelled much better too. They also had very different tastes and just by taste alone it would be easy to tell the difference. The real pizza tastes much much fresher.

The fake version does not provide many nutrients for your body and is not really healthy at all to be eating. It claims that the cheese is fresh, but I don’t think that, that is really possible if the pizza had been processed. I started eating the “fake” version of pizza mainly because of convenience. To make a pizza from scratch is time consuming and much more expensive that it’s “fake” alternative. To make the fake version all you have to do is un-wrap it and put it in the oven.

I would really love to switch back to eating real homemade pizza but I don’t know when that could actually happen, because (especially in college) school work is extremely time consuming and would leave little time to make an entire pizza from scratch.

An article I found discusses all of the bad things that can happen through eating too many processed foods, both the ideas in this article and Pollan’s ideas align in the idea that they believe that fresh, un-processed foods are the best for you.

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