Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Peer Response: Shawn Perry's Blog

I think that Shawn Perry summed up Chapter 4 of In Defense of Food really well and was able to find the main point which was that is was necessary to change the western diet and to change what many people eat in order to lead healthier lives. Shawn was able to understand the broad, general ideas of the chapter and the more broad ideas of what Pollan wanted us to understand, but I think that Pollan was trying to get us to think more specifically too. Pollan extensively talks about the over-exaggeration of food health claims and the chemical content in food.

Shawn goes on to talk a little bit about over processed foods and I agree with his argument that processed foods are really bad for us because of all the additives and preservatives that are added in, during this he briefly touches on the idea of chemical content and over-exaggerated health food claims. I also think that Shawn missed a big point, being the use of science to back up health food claims. Pollan goes into detail to talk about how just because something is backed up scientifically does not mean that is it true and that, that food’s scientific “claim” will most likely change in the near future. I think that this was a big point Pollan was discussing and that Shawn should have mentioned that somewhere in his blog.

Shawn’s blog would have really benefitted if he had linked to an outside article that was able to support the ideas that he was presenting and to back up Michael Pollan’s ideas that he wrote about in In Defense of Food.

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