Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Post 4: Analysis Of A Celebrity Endorsement

A great example of celebrity endorsements are the many products that Tiger Woods endorses, including Gatorade and Tag Heuer watches. In Tiger’s watch ads he is shown looking at the camera with a golf club, wearing a Tag Heuer watch, and the slogan, “What Are You Made Of?”, is written on all of the Tag Heuer print ads. In the Gatorade ads endorsed by Tiger, there are pictures of Tiger, and slogans such as, “It’s In Tiger. Is It In You?”. Suggesting that if you use this product it can help you perform at peak performance, like Tiger Woods. I think that Tiger Woods’ endorsement of Gatorade is appropriate because he is a extremely successful athlete, and Gatorade is specifically designed to help athletes perform their best. But, Tiger’s endorsement of watches does not seem extremely appropriate because Tiger has no real professional qualifications that would make him qualified to sell watches. But, since he is a huge celebrity Tiger would probably be able to sell many different products with the right marketing plans and ads, including Tag Heuer watches. These endorsements have been beneficial to both Tiger and the companies, because Tiger is making a lot of money off supporting and using these products. And the producers of Gatorade or Tag Heuer watches are benefitting because the public wants to use products that celebrities use, so there is an increase in sales of Gatorade and Tag Heuer watches.

The name Tiger Woods has become a brand in itself, and Tiger chooses to endorse many products. I thought Tiger’s endorsements are interesting to examine especially after his recent scandals. I listened to a radio show online that was discussing Tiger’s endorsements and why some were falling through due to his recent scandals or if the companies were choosing to stand by Tiger. I think that this radio show really relates to the idea of celebrity endorsements and the many things that can happen with them. It also shows that the celebrities actions in public can effect the success of the product being endorsed.


Cavanaugh, M., & Crook, H. (Speakers). (2010, January 5). Tiger Woods
Controversy Affecting the Golfer's Brand Name [Audio podcast]. Retrieved
from http://www.kpbs.org/news/2010/jan/05/

Tiger Woods Gatorade Print Ad. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://gossip.whyfame.com/

Tiger Woods Tag Heuer Print Ad. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.rvgoddess.com/

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